How Becoming A Father Changed My Life by Purple Tone Flower

Music has always been my passion, since I was 15. I’ve played guitar and I’ve participated in musical projects of all kinds. I’ve always had a straightforward vision about my life goals, the way I work and where to go with my career. However, in 2017, when my child was born, everything changed.

Life changes you when you’re a father – your priorities, your day-to-day, your schedule, your sleep time – everything changes. In my case, my child’s birth changed my world view. It gave it new perspective and another meaning. As my priorities changed, I made many important decisions. I left certain jobs and adjusted my schedule and habits. Additionally, I started to wonder what I really want to do with my life.

In that moment, I realized, we have a lot of prejudice and our own mental structures about our contemporary society that lead people to seek more than what they really need to be happy. For me, in order to achieve happiness, I must enjoy my family and continue to make music. These two things seemed impossible to do together, but I realized it doesn’t have to be like that.

I decided to start my solo music project, Purple Tone Flower, as a very personal challenge. It was something I had to do for myself and it would be structured on my time, according to my schedule and taking into consideration my new vision of life alongside my family. The inspirations flew up and the songs creative processes has been very fast, since I feel much more relax in this new system. Much of the inspiration came from how to look at your day to day with different eyes. For example, in the song “If I Were”, my third single that is going to be out on July 17th, the inspiration came from a situation that I experienced with my son. I had to run and errand, so I took him with me. It was a rush hour in the city, so there were many people and it was difficult to us to pass by with his stroller. I leaned over to see his face realized that he was watching the city in amazement and a little fear.

Of course! Imagine watching the whole city cluttered with people, in a hurry, speaking on their cellphones, without looking back, running into each other, stressed out, tired, sad… he was watching with a face expressing “That’s the world that waits for me? “I don’t want that for myself. I don’t want to be like that…”

Kids have a simpler outlook on life. It comes with no prejudice and without the structures that society puts upon us or the ones we put on ourselves. In attempting to look at the world through a child’s eyes, I’ve found it allows me to approach music creation and life in general in a more authentic way from a place of having an open mind without taking into account what everyone else is going to say. This freedom allows you to unlock your own limits and prejudices.

During this global pandemic, a lot of things have changed and I believe, moving forward, we should go back to the essentials. We need to ask ourselves, “Ultimately, what really matters? What do I really want to accomplish? What
causes should we fight for? What is the goal?”

Keep safe and healthy. Be true to yourself and enjoy your family and children.

Listen to Purple Tone Flower’s latest single “We Will Fight For Us” below:


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