Mother’s Day Jam: Angela Soffe’s Songs Dedicated To Her Children


Angela Soffe is a galvanizing speaker and soulfully rousing musical artist who balances a busy career with three kids and gaggle of pets. Just in time for Mother’s Day, here is Angela’s songs about slowing down and spending focused time with your children – a message we can all be reminded of in this crazy beeping, spinning, smart phone world! If you’re a fan of artists like Allison Krauss, Nickel Creek, Sarah Jarosz, Gillian Welch & David Rallings, The Head and the Heart, Angela will be right up your alley!

From Angela:

“I run the operation better known as: my suburban family of 3 kids, 1 husband, 3 chickens, and 1 hamster. =) I also run a small music studio where I teach piano and coach voice students. I do freelance writing and consulting projects on the side.

‘Holiday” – from my new record has to do with slowing down, turning off the noise, and making time for people you love. I left this one open. It’s not just about romantic love but about everyone that’s meaningful in my life. It’s easy to lose each other in the frenzy of checking off our to-do lists, just trying to move through each day. Sometimes I spend more time looking at my phone than I do my own children. I love stashing my phone in a drawer, taking my kids outside and looking them in the eye to say “I see you, I hear you, and I’m here”.

You find a rock

I’ll find the sun

Together we’ll waste the whole day

Turn off your cell phone

And turn on an old song

We’ll call it a holiday”

Stream her new album in full HERE.

Take a listen to her collaborative bedtime lullaby, “Emmas Lullaby” HERE.

Finally, hear Angela’s track dedicated to her son after seeing a woman lose her child, “Amazing,” HERE.


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