The Parenting Panel with Courtney Cotter King


Musically, she is a triple threat: an excellent pianist, exceptional vocalist and extraordinary songwriter. She commands a deep understanding of how to emote via all three.                                

                                                                                          -Fervor Records CEO David Hilker

Courtney Cotter King was born with a piano as an appendage and is inevitably attached to the keys. A raw talent, with smooth vocals and lyrics beyond her years, Courtney commands a room with merit for listening. Courtney’s artistry at the piano drives her blue-eyed soul, singer-songwriter genre. Of her unique sound, Marmoset Music Publishing said, “Piano-driven arrangements informed by classical and jazz come off effortlessly, evoking both early 70s Stevie Wonder and 90s Tori Amos. Smart, soulful, and surprising, Courtney's tunes easily marry sound with story.” She has performed with a long list of artists including, Meghan Trainor, Melanie Safka, and Courtney Marie Andrews. 

Some of Courtney’s accomplishments include:

  • Giving back through charity events and starting a lyric contest to motivate students to write (put the winning lyrics to original songs)

  • Placements in Film & TV

  • Being featured in Old Navy’s International Playlist

  • Writing requested custom songs 

  • Being a finalist in DSE Write With a Hit Maker Contest

  • Receiving a scholarship to Berklee College of Music

  • Winning radio contests

Her past work includes; Fervor Records release "Rooftops", independently released “Home I Roam” and singles, "For the Better" dedicated to parents of children with special needs, “I believe in Santa Claus”, “Stowaway”, and “Scared of the Dark” and “Haze of Hues”.

You can find Fine Breed” on Spotify now

Without further ado, let’s get to the Parenting Panel:

How many children do you have? And what are their names and ages?
I have 3 children ages 5, 2 and 1.

Did you have fears or concerns about how becoming a parent would interfere with your artistic endeavors?

No, I have always known and knew that I wanted to be a mom more than anything. If anything, my main concern right now is the opposite, that the music will interfere with my role as a mother. 

Have those fears come true, or no?

No, they haven’t come true in any large or dramatic way. There have been times where I spent a weekend prepping and filming a music video and right when the video was done, I rushed to put my kids in the car, bought premium ice cream cones and drove to the park to play at their bedtime. When the music gets heavy, I find ways for them to have fun and distract them. Whether that is to go somewhere fun with dad or take them with us on a music trip and explore and play meanwhile. There are times where I go days without working on my music too. Overall things are in harmony. 

In what ways has parenthood helped your creativity, if any?

My writing is more honest than it used to be. 

Also, Kids are natural born creatives and my 5 year old makes me stop what I’m doing and cut up paper, or upcycle. Some nights I throw together impromptu themed parties for my kids. They are little and easy to please so using my creativity to please them is really really fun. Having young children makes you think differently and is a great force to be creative! 

What has parenthood taught you about yourself, your music, or your creative process?

Parenthood has taught me about making the best of my time and hard work. I used to write a song in one sitting and now I plan to write even if it’s for like 15 minutes. I don’t have expectations for perfection in anything but I look forward to any time I have to create. I do plan my week out on Sundays so that I can best utilize my time.

How do you juggle your family and your career? Who’s your support system?

I see my life as something like the spinning plates circus act. Spinning a bunch of plates. I tend to go to what needs the most attention (what thing in my life is slowing down and needs me to keep it spinning). How I juggle it all is by literally pleading to God for help. When I try to please God, I’ve seen that all of the plates can still spin. Those plates are music, my church calling, my kids, my home, my relationship with God. He has been my support system. 

I also have incredible people in my life. I have a private FB group. I just raised 10k for this next album in a Kickstarter campaign. My husband will take the kids. I have a babysitter come once a week to help me so I can take care of the business side of things. My mom is really creative and helps me make the music videos and big events come to life.

Has the pandemic taken away or added to your creative flow? Are you taking good care of yourself these days?

I actually had a pandemic baby and a baby learning to walk during the pandemic. I was home a lot anyways so it didn’t change much of a lifestyle. 

The pandemic helped me make health a priority for sure though! After having the babies back to back and the pandemic, I learned to recognize the immediate benefits from sun bathing, supplements, prayer, exercise, all of it. 

What’s one thing you wish someone had told you before you became a parent? Any advice for others? 

I wish somebody would have told me to make your home your haven from the time your child is born. Make it your place to be. Make it yours. Do what it takes. When our first baby was born, we lived in a 1 bedroom studio. Lovely, but the crib was in the kitchen with everything else. We were never home and I felt like we missed out on being our own family. Being us together at home. I feel like having a haven of a home is a foundation for a family. Is your home a comfortable place where you can feel peace? I feel like my home is now and it has done wonders for me and my family. 

Do your children inspire/inform your music?

Oh totally, my album coming out has a song or two about my kids. I think there are more songs up my sleeve too. 

Have you ever written a song for or about your kids?

I wrote a song about the toddler age of my kids and it comes out in early november. 

I also wrote about pregnancy with my first. I never released it out to the world but when the doctor told me that she could come any day I quickly gathered a group of musicians, learned it and filmed within like 2 days. It was thrown together but I wanted this song for her before she was born. Here is the link.

Not every artist parent incorporates their children into their music - if you do not is this a conscious decision? 

I am definitely involving my kids in what I do because they are what I’m filled with all day everyday. They keep my artistry authentic. They aren’t boring. My kids make me cool hahaha. They are my life.

How have you been managing parenting during the pandemic? What has been the hardest part and what is the silver lining?

The pandemic is a blur. There were a few significant things though. I remember when we got COVID it was still fairly new. It hadn’t hit a lot of people yet. It hit my husband bad and he was in bed for a while. When he was better his boss made him stay home from work to be safe and he did some fun landscape design in the yard and I pulled out a book to study jazz. We just had more time than usual. Having that extra time helped me put things in perspective. I had decided that I’m going to do whatever it takes to get an album out even if I don’t have all the funds, or I have a small fanbase or the fact that I have 2 babies!! I just felt like it was time to make it happen. I ended up doing a Kickstarter recently raising 10k for the album and we are on our way!! I just released a single called “Fine Breed” and the next single comes out October 1st. 

Find Courtney Cotter King via:

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