Esther Crow Hopes to Change the Way We Think About Stuff in Her New Single, Out on Earth Day

Esther Crow is the award winning singer/songwriter and kids entertainer based in Brooklyn. While she’s been writing and performing for years, that all changed when she had a child (as they do). She didn’t stop creating and writing music, but her material and inspirations changed and became about her life as a mom. “The songs came quickly, and I assembled a band of wonderful local musicians and singers,” says Esther. “This was the birth of Thunder and Sunshine. Our debut gig was May 6th, 2016 at the West End Lounge. We released our debut album, This is Thunder and Sunshine, in January, 2017, for which I received an award of excellence for my songwriting, from the Film Advisory Board in November, 2017.”

Her new single, “Stuff!”, arrives just in time for Earth Day: April 22nd. Produced by Grammy-winning engineer Dean Jones, and featuring her 8-yr-old son Vincent on mandolin, the energetic rock song encourages families to think twice before buying more stuff they don't need. Says Crow: "Everyone talks about switching to renewable energy, which we definitely need to do, but not enough people talk about overconsumption. Our western culture has a huge problem with wanting the latest and greatest EVERYTHING, without considering how much STUFF we already have." Crow also laments that people carelessly toss items- like books or clothing- into the trash that contributes to landfills. She hopes her humorous new single will inspire kids and their families to be more mindful and give items away to neighbors, friends and local shelters instead of throwing them away. "What's old to you can be new to them", as one of the lyrics goes.

She hopes we don't buy more than we need and give away things we can no longer use, singing "just give it'll make another friend's day." The song is upbeat and fast paced with a gospel-like element to it within the chorus with a rising crescendo that makes you want to stand up and dance along. The music personifies the amount of stuff, the tempo of the music and use of instrumentation suggests chaos and a sense of overwhelm that overcomes you when you’re faced with so much stuff.

Be sure to listen to “Stuff!” on 4/22

For more info on Esther, and to download “Stuff!”, go to her website!

Find Esther Crow via:

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