Brit Drozda Writes Beautiful Songs About Motherhood


Charlotte, N.C.-based Brit Drozda is influenced by Brandi Carlile, Sia, Patty Griffin, and Norah Jones. Her new EP just released called, You Can’t Take It With You When You Go, and its a lovely mix of singer-songwriter and pop rock.  If you like KT Tunstall and Sheryl Crow you will love Brit.

Her title track You Can’t Take It With You When You Go is a offers reminders to hold on to the important treasures in life that aren’t necessarily “things” but the people and the emotions that connect us to one another. We love this track one from her last EP that really caught our attention because it’s all about motherhood.

Listen Here:

Brit’s voice shines with a depth and intensity that demonstrates the growth of an inspired songwriter and seasoned performer. After a brief hiatus from performing, all over the US both solo and as the lead singer in Pop Rock band “The Prices”.   Brit returned to the music scene in 2016 with her album Let Me Hang the Moon – a passion project that sparked the flame to Brit’s professional pursuit as an indie artist.

“Let Me Hang the Moon” is a song that’s so special to me because it captures a precious time in my motherhood journey as well as defines the moment that I threw myself back into music.  Songwriting gives me clarity on the way I look at the world, face challenges or experience emotions.  As a new mother, I found myself so frustrated.  I never felt 100% confident in what I was doing.  My son was a colicky baby and strong-willed toddler and completely seemed to dominate me.  All I wanted was to succeed and be the best mom I could be, but I felt like a failure.  On a particularly trying day, when I embraced the relief of my son’s nap time, I took a deep breath and realized I was wishing for time to speed up so I could get over this phase of my son’s life.  But then, I thought, “How sad is that? He’s so precious and small.  I have all the answers, at least he thinks I do, and I am his whole world right now.  Everyone says your children grow up too fast.  Maybe I need to reassess this.  While tantrums are taxing, and toddlers aren’t easy, they still idolize their parents. My son still thinks I’m invincible.”  With this in mind, I wrote: “Let Me Hang the Moon” to inspire me to look at the wonder in my child’s eyes, to put my feelings of inadequacy on hold, and to experience the amazing realities of early parenthood.  After writing this song, I wanted to share it with other mothers and fathers who could possibly relate.  This got me back into the studio and back to performing.  Then, I started to feel like myself again.  I was reestablishing my identity as a mom who still maintained her passion for music.  I have found my footing in motherhood and feel a little more confident with my now, two children.  I wouldn’t trade this time in life for any other.  As chaotic, emotionally and physically exhausting it gets, “one day, this will all be yesterday.”

Enjoy this track!


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