The Parenting Panel with Steven H. Scott

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New Hampshire based singer/songwriter/producer Steven Scott describes his music as ‘acoustic folk rock for dreamers’. Meticulously crafted yet always room for exploration, nothing is written without a purpose. His debut EP, Albino Road, is just that. A musical endeavor that is searching for a soul; a purpose. Passionately crafted and full of emotion Steven searches both in the light and the darkness. What he finds is balance.

The EP title track, Albino Road, was inspired by a real place in North Andover, MA - just 20 minutes from Steven’s hometown. Legend has it that back in the 1600’s 2 albino boys were drowned by the ‘town elders’ because of how the looked. And instead of learning from history we doom to keep repeating it.

“Anywhere but Here”, the 1st single from the EP to be released on February 19th, 2021, dives deep into Steven’s own battle with anxiety and fears. He uses music as a powerful stepping stone and comforting friend in times when things just aren’t so great. Because there is ALWAYS hope.

“Albino Road” is slated to be a little bit different for an EP. It will include a side A and a side B. One side will be the original compositions while the other will be the same songs with just Steven and his guitar.

Those stories you hear of 2AM lyrics on a napkin are true. And each of those words are sung in a melodic controlled chaos to resonate the moment with the listener. A gentle verse of hope. An anxious cry for others. All while the guitar dances along in its complex simplicity.

An avid backroads traveler, Steven spends as much time as he can enjoying nature and drawing musical idea’s through hiking, skiing and a love for craft beer.

The Albino Road EP chooses to travel the backroads and avoid the highways with a hope of human connection and shared emotions. We all share much more in common than it seems. It’s a Cat Stevens/Roy Harper sort of thing (with a little bit of - insert cool metal band here). Or maybe it’s just a man with a guitar trying to make his way through the world. One backroad at a time.

You can listen to the full EP on Soundcloud.

How many children do you have? And what are their names and ages?
I have a 14 year old son named Alex (who was named that because of my admiration for the guitarist in the band RUSH). And a dog. However, I am not one to use the term “Furbaby.”

In what ways has parenthood helped your creativity, if any?
It’s made me less selfish as a writer (most of the the time). It has allowed me the freedom to not just write about things close to me but also about things that I observe. It rewired my brain in a good way and made me more of a compassionate writer.

Did you have fears or concerns about how becoming a parent would interfere with your artistic endeavors?
I am sure that I had some initial fears that most likely revealed around time. However, my hope was that it would actually fuel them which I think it did. It, like I think any parent would say, gave me an entirely different perspective on life and the world. It wasn’t about me anymore. I enjoy writing from THAT perspective now. Plus I’m a musician I don’t sleep anyway.

Have those fears come true, or no?

Luckily, no fears came to fruition in regards to becoming a new parent.

How do you juggle your family and your career? Who’s your support system?
Honestly, it’s difficult to juggle it all. I am not one to sit still and I sometimes have a tough time organizing all these thoughts in my head. Somehow, though I pull it off. My family is a wonderful support system so that definitely helps. I think the people who enjoy my music are also a wonderful support system and keep me going creatively which life is running amuck.

Has the pandemic taken away or added to your creative flow? Are you taking good care of yourself these days?
I think it’s almost over right? I certainly hope it is. I think it did add to some creativity - especially in the beginning. But also made me realize that, even as a self proclaimed introvert, i missed interacting with humans (I have lots of new lyrics on that subject which will hopefully see the light of day sometime). As far as taking good care of myself - I don’t know. I could use some more sleep and maybe a little less beer but all and all I’m doing just fine.

How have you been managing parenting during the pandemic? What has been the hardest part and what is the silver lining?

It was awful at first as I am sure most can agree. The constant unknowns. The fact that your child had to sit behind giant pieces of plexiglass with a mask on (not to mention the months of schooling at home - we won’t go there haha). But, at the end of the day life is about experiences - good or bad. That’s all were made up of really. I am grateful that my family made it through the storm ok and that I got to spend more time with them during the past few years. That, to me, is the silver lining.

What’s one thing you wish someone had told you before you became a parent? Any advice for others?

Enjoy each stage because, once you begin to feel comfortable in one (or you’re at a breaking point) it all changes in an instant.

Find Steven H. Scott via:

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