The Parenting Panel with Lynne Revo-Cohen

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1. How many children do you have? And what are their ages?

I have 2 daughters. Jenn is 47 and she has 2 children, Zach, 17 and Anna is 16. Erica is 44 and has 3 little boys, Max is 7, Leo is 6, and Remy is 6 mos.

2. Did you have fears or concerns about how becoming a parent would interfere with your artistic endeavors?

I actually always thought that having a passion to devote some of my time to would inspire them to do the same.

3. Have those fears come true, or no?

My wishes did come true; they are both very creative and artistic in their own right.

4. In what ways has parenthood helped your creativity, if any?

It has given me empathy and compassion for those less fortunate.

5. What has parenthood taught you about yourself, your music, or your creative process?

Being a mother of 2 girls made me realize it was my job to change the bias in our culture that could hold them back as women or keep them from realizing their full potential.

6. How do you juggle your family and your career? Who’s your support system?

When I went back to work when they were 2 and 5, I found a terrific day care center run by a friend. That gave me some time to work as a consultant. When they were older, I found a fabulous woman to watch them after school, do my shopping, my cleaning, etc and worked part- time until they were in their teens, which gave me the balance that I needed, and gave me the flexibility to devote full-time to my business.

7. Has the pandemic taken away or added to your creative flow? Are you taking good care of yourself these days?

The pandemic has oddly added to my creative instincts because I see the sorrow and the incredible bravery less fortunate people are showing in their struggle. For example, watching the struggle of essential workers in the medical field has inspired me to write the song, “Just Hold On” which is my tribute to the medical workers who have sacrifice so much to save the rest of us. I am doing my best to stay safe and stay healthy, and make sure I connect with my women friends for support and love.

8. What’s one thing you wish someone had told you before you became a parent? Any advice for others?

To know that you’ll never be the perfect parent, but just do your best to build their confidence every day and make every effort to let them know that you think they “hung the moon”.

Follow Lynn Revo-Cohen on socials:


The Parenting Panel with Amelia’s Dream


The Parenting Panel with Gustav Hoyer