Courtney Cotter King Releases New Single, “Electric Feet,” in Reference to her Busy Life with Young Children

Mesa Arizona based singer-songwriter Courtney Cotter King has released a new single “Electric Feet”, which is taken from her album, Brood.

“Electric Feet” is dedicated to all parents. It is a song about the crazy busy, often chaotic, life with young children running around. It is a song about going with the flow of children’s boundless energy, and not trying to control it.

Similar to previous single releases, “Electric Feet” references Courtney’s experience as a young wife and mother of three children under the age of 5. And Courtney herself grew up with a large family, having been one of six siblings, it makes sense for her to explore the experiences of married life and family in her songs.

King’s musical style is very akin to the likes of Fiona Apple and Tori Amos, with percussive piano and jazzy vocals. King, however, maintains a light and flirty feel in her music while also displaying a raw talent for singing and the piano. “The lyrical idea for this song came after an EPIC dance move that my toddler made, that our family called “THE BOOTY SIDE SLIDE”, as said in the song. If you look around, people of all ages will be dancing, even tapping the foot, if a toddler is dancing. It’s so contagious,” says Courtney.

Here is the video taken that day:

Courtney Cotter King continues to release outstanding music from her new album Brood.

Stay current with Courtney Cotter King on her website

Listen to “Electric Feet” on Soundcloud, Spotify, and iTunes. You can watch the music video on YouTube.

Follow Courtney on Facebook and Instagram.


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