Parenting Panel with Rae Leigh - Singer, Songwriter and Actor Mother from Australia

Rae Leigh is a multitalented singer-songwriter, actor, and advocate known for her captivating performances and philanthropic efforts.

Since her debut at the Tamworth Country Music Festival's 50th anniversary in 2022, Rae has impressed audiences with her soulful singing and poignant storytelling. Notable highlights include headlining at the Groundwater Country Music Festival and appearing on NBC Universal's 'Young Rock', where she showcased her acting skills and topped the Australian National Country Radio Airplay charts with her single 'Push Em Up Jill'. Beyond music, Rae has performed for the Queensland Police and Emergency Services and supported various charities like The Arc and Raising Brighter Futures.

She's also passionate about mentorship, founding the Songwriter Trysts podcast, featuring over 260 episodes with renowned artists. Rae's dedication extends to live performances, from co-headlining with Adam Brand to appearing at ANZAC Day events. With an upcoming EP and her role in the PPCA Observership program, Rae Leigh continues to make a significant impact in music and beyond, leaving a lasting impression on audiences worldwide.

We caught up with Rae for an exclusive interview with us to find out more about her experience of motherhood, music and creativity:

How many children do you have? And what are their names and ages? 

I have three children Elijah age 11, Angela age 9, and Gabriel age 7.

In what ways has parenthood helped your creativity?

Becoming a parent at 24 came as a profound shock, an unexpected and frankly unwanted surprise. Struggling with complex PTSD and postnatal depression after having my children, I found myself thrust into a journey of healing I never anticipated. This journey included confronting past child sexual abuse through a public prosecution court case.

Amidst dealing with poor mental health and trauma recovery while navigating parenthood, my determination to provide my children with a fulfilling life and serve as a positive role model spurred me to seek help wherever I could. This challenging yet transformative experience inspired numerous songs, as songwriting and music have always been avenues for my personal healing. My children became my beacon of strength, giving me the courage to confront demons I never imagined facing.

They are the very reason for my existence, and I am profoundly grateful for the gift of motherhood.

What has parenthood taught you about yourself, your music, or your creative process?

As a former personal trainer, I often encountered mothers who, upon their children reaching primary school age, found themselves with newfound time during the day but had neglected their health, often turning to excessive wine consumption or unhealthy snacking.

I found myself echoing the same advice I gave them: "When your child grows up, do you want them to treat themselves the way you treat yourself now?" The resounding answer was always "no way." I firmly believe that children emulate our actions, not just our words. Every choice we make serves as a roadmap for our children's future paths. Therefore, the decisions we make today help shape the trajectory of our children's lives.

This philosophy extends to my approach to music as well. While facing some of my deepest fears in music wasn't solely driven by personal desire or belief, I realised that by conquering those fears, I'm showing my children the importance of living fearlessly and embracing their passions wholeheartedly.

I take immense pride in my children, and my hope is to propel them toward their dreams, instilling in them the belief that nothing is beyond their reach and that they deserve the very best life has to offer. After all, our actions today lay the foundation for the future, for both ourselves and our children.

How have you built a support system around your parenting and career? Do you have any tips to share or pitfalls to look out for?

Having a supportive partner has been integral to my career journey, but navigating the music industry in Australia has posed significant challenges due to the exclusion and discrimination I've faced as a mother. Both men and women in the industry perpetuate the belief that mothers shouldn't pursue careers in music, which has taken a toll on my mental health and limited my professional opportunities.

Discovering Mamas in Music has been a tremendous blessing, offering a supportive community that has alleviated feelings of isolation and provided the encouragement I need to persevere. Their support has been a source of energy that fuels my determination to keep pushing forward despite the obstacles.

What is a piece of advice you'd give to someone on your same path?

Each person's journey is unique. Embracing self-compassion and prioritising mental well-being, along with nurturing strong relationships and support networks, are vital aspects of this journey. In the realm of art, there's no need to rush; creativity remains a constant presence.

Personally, my children and interpersonal connections always take precedence, as they define our humanity. Past experiences of sexual assault and abuse have left me with profound trust issues and a sense of disconnection from others. However, a significant part of my artistic expression and healing process involves establishing healthy boundaries and cultivating positive, supportive relationships while fostering healthy connections with my children.

Have you ever written a song for or about your kids? If so, please share a link.

I've penned a song for my daughter titled "Blue Shoes," delving into the generational weight carried by women. It's a plea for my daughter to proudly embrace her womanhood, envisioning a world where I, as a woman, can contribute to fostering a supportive and empowering environment for her and all young girls.

I yearn for a society where femininity is celebrated, where women can freely express their feminine energy, love and be loved, nurture and be nurtured, and unleash their creativity. It saddens me to witness women in corporate settings feeling pressured to conform to masculine standards for acceptance.

Women are distinct, and true balance in business and family life emerges when both masculine and feminine energies are valued. This harmony not only enhances productivity but also enriches society as a whole. 

Do you have advice for other parents balancing parenting and creative endeavours?

Finding balance is key. Engaging in embodiment practices has been transformative for me, helping me attune to my body and intuition. Some days are highly productive, while others call for restful moments on the beach. Both are equally essential and productive in their own right.

Learning to pause can be a challenging yet invaluable lesson for creatives, particularly mothers. Establishing healthy boundaries is crucial; if unsure how, numerous resources like books, audiobooks, and YouTube videos offer guidance. Healthy boundaries are not impolite; they're a sign of self-respect and consideration. Any discomfort from others likely stems from their own boundary issues, not yours. Recognising this distinction is empowering.


Listen to Rae Leigh’s single “Love Me” below!

Keep up to date with Rae Leigh:

Website / Facebook / Instagram / Spotify / AppleMusic / YouTube Music


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